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Change of location Trygonal Schweiz AG, Jona

Trygonal Schweiz AG has moved its location on December 5, 2022, from St. Dionysstrasse 31, 8645 Jona, to the following address in Rüti:

Trygonal Schweiz AG
Joweid Center 2
CH-8630 Rüti ZH

All other contact details remain unchanged.

Despite a brief interruption to operations, we should be available at all times.
In addition, we strive to meet all delivery dates as agreed.
If you have any questions, the Trygonal team will be happy to help.

We thank you for the valuable cooperation and wish you relaxing holidays and a good start into the new year!

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Nuestro equipo de expertos estará encantado de responder a sus preguntas en cualquier momento.