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Change of name of the German Trygonal company

As a result of the continuous integration process of the Trygonal Group in Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, the merger of Trygonal Group GmbH in Sachsenheim-Ochsenbach with Freudenberg FST GmbH, based in Weinheim, will take place on November 1, 2024. read more …

SensGrip - Sensory clamping gripper for the detection and evaluation of the clamped material

Innovation project funded by the state of Baden Württemberg VwW Invest BW - Innovation I between the"German InstituteS for Textile + Fibre Research" (DITF) and Trygonal Group GmbH read more …

Change of location Trygonal Schweiz AG, Jona

Trygonal Schweiz AG has moved its location on December 5, 2022, from St. Dionysstrasse 31, 8645 Jona, to the following address in Rüti:Trygonal Schweiz AGJoweid Center 2CH-8630 Rüti ZHEmail: rueti@trygonal.com read more …

ZIM - R&D-Project ElastoTex

Start of another research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) "Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) in cooperation with the German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF), another BMWi-funded cooperation project was launched by 14th of november 2019 read more …

Trygonal supports i-TRIBOMAT project

i-TRIBOMAT will provide the world's first publicly available test platform dedicated to the validation and scaling of new materials, enabling intelligent characterization of tribological materials and promoting industrial innovation in the European manufacturing industry. read more …

Trygonal supports Swissloop

The Trygonal Group supports the Swissloop transport concept created by ETH Zurich students. read more …

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